Tag: JavaScript

  • Tamarin (Adobe + Mozilla Love)

    Very exciting, Adobe open sourced their ActionScript Virtual Machine, a “high performance” VM featuring a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. They have also contributed it to Mozilla which created the Tamarin Project will eventually be integrated to the core JavaScript engine. The good news for developers is that they are targeting ECMAScript 4 (which means JavaScript 2),…

  • Filtery Redux

    Filtery is a beautiful piece of code by Justin Whitford that I came across back when it was new (Feb 2003!) and have used it in various projects since. In a recent project, the number of items to be filtered was large enough that the browser noticeably slowed down during the script execution. As originally…

  • Tabbable 0.1

    Edit: Unfortunately, in between blog migrations, I’ve long ago lost the source code to this. It would have been nice to have retained it as part of my programming journey. I needed a light-weight tabbing widget for one of the projects I was working on, and not finding anything satisfactory, decided to throw one together.…